Ho, Ho, Ho
All the best for the Holidays to everyone and may Santa bring multiple PRs and a happy and healthy 2011.
Group Run
Want to get ready for New Year's Eve festivities? Our next group run will be at Sailor's Point in Peace Vally Park (Lake Galena) at 10:00AM on 12/31. It's the intersection of Myers and New Galena Roads. Ample parking, port-a-johns and a chance to run across a windy causeway. One loop is ~6 miles. Feel free to start earlier if you are ambitious. Multiple excellent post exercise food choices. I'll be doing a 7 mile bike loop if you prefer to bike rather than run.
The Running Log
While we had running logs bad-mouthed of late, here's a contrary opinion from Jim Higgins, "I use the one my son got me for Christmas years ago. Usually, I write one line (date/distance/time) for a run or a race. I don't obsess over it. It's good data to have in case something is not quite right. For example, my IT band was giving me problems so I had it adjusted in October. One quick perusal of my running log showed that my times were starting to get slower as early as February (not by much at first, then more noticeably as the year went on). Next time, I'll get adjusted much sooner."
Club Races
Our club is off for a month but get in shape for the Chilly Cheeks. A bear of a trail race even if you dont see any ursine critters on the route. All four cheeks will get cold.
Jan 16: Chilly Cheeks 7.2M Trail, Reading PA
Feb 6: Super Bowl 10K, Allentown PA
Feb 27: Ugly Mudder 7.25 Trail Reading PA
Mar 5: Rotary Run for Youth 4M/10M, Quakertown PA
May 15: Dark & Dirty 6.66M Tail
Visit the club website, www.buxmontrunning.com and check out the "Athlete Profile" page featuring short self-written bios of club members. That I'm on there proves you don't have to be a good athlete to be on the page! Send yours to either me or Tom Daugherty. Tom actually does the work in his function as webmeister.
Group Runs - Suggest Confirming With the Listed Contact On Any Given Week!
Saturday: Tennis Zone (former Upper Bucks YMCA on California Rd.) 8:00 AM, Jerry Washcalus, Tom Daugherty or Bill Tuszynski bill.tuszynski@gmail.com
Saturday: Perkiomen Trail (Crusher Road) 8:00 AM, Bill Blair
Sunday: Lehigh Valley Parkway, 7:00/7:30/8:00 AM, Loops from 6.65-21+ miles, Gene Lund, Debi Golbreski
Sunday: Perkiomen Trail (Crusher Road) 10:00 AM, Randy Opdyke
Race Results
The few results from last weekend have been slow to post. Look for a catch-up next week
Race Calendar (Club Races in Bold)
26: Kris Kringle 5M, Reading PA, www.pretzelcitysports.com
31: Peeps Fest 5K, Bethlehem PA, www.christmascity.org
1: Cham-Pain 5K, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.brcc.info
1: Hamilton Hangover 5M, Hamilton NJ, www.practicehard.com
2: Shiver by the River 10K/5K, Reading PA, www.pagodapacers.com
9: Predict Your Time 5.3, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.brcc.info
12: PA State Snowshoe Championship 5K/10K, Nexopek State park, Drums PA, www.snowshoeracing.com
16: Chilly Cheeks 7.2M Trail, Reading PA, www.pretzelcitysports.com
16: Polar Bear 8M, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.brcc.info
16: PSCJ Icicle 10M, Wilmington DE, www.races2run.com
23: Honest Abe 4.6, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.brcc.info
30: Terrible Tyler 15K, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.brcc.info
6: Shiver by the River, Reading PA, www.pagodapacers.com
6: Superbowl 10K, Allentown PA, www.lvrr.org
6: Pick Your Way 5.3M, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.bcrr.info
12: PA State Snowhoe 5K/10K Championship, Nescopek state Park, Drums PA, www.snowshoeracing.com
13: Eenie-Meanie-Minie-Moe Half Marathon, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.bcrr.info
19: Febapple Frozen 50 50M/50K/21M/10K, South Mountain Park NJ, www.njtrailseries.com
19: Pickle Winter Series 3M/4.7M, Media PA, www.runtheday.com
19: Frostbite 5M, Ambler PA, www.aarclub.com
20: Staggered Start 4.6M, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.bcrr.info
27: Ugly Mudder 7.25M Trail, Reading PA, www.pretzelcitysports.com
5: Rotary Run for Youth 10M/4M, Quakertown PA, www.prestelcitysports.com
6: Shiver by the River, Reading PA, www.pagodapacers.com
19: Pickle Winter Series 3M/4.7M, Media PA, www.runtheday.com
19: NJ Trail UltraFest 100M/100K/50M/50K/Marathon, Long Valley NJ, www.njtrailseries.com
19: Philadelphia Stair Climb, Philadelphia PA, http://www.lungusa.org/pledge-events/pa/philadelphia-climb/
19-20: Yeungling Shamrock 8K/Half Marathon/Marathon, VA Beach VA, www.shamrockmarathon.com
20: Get Your Rear in Gear 10K/5K/2M/0.25M, Philadelphia PA, www.getyourrearingear.com
20: Doylestown YMCA 5K, Doylestown PA, www.bucks5kseries.com
26: Suntrust National Marathon/Half Marathon/Relay, Washington DC, www.nationalmarathon.com
26: Audubon YMCA 5K, Audubon PA, bsantoro@fvymca.org
27: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon, Wilmington DE, www.races2run.com
2: Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail Run, Media PA, www.tylertrailrun.com
3: New Hope Solebury Spirtit 5K, New Hope PA, www.bucks5kseries.com
3: Bucks County Half Marathon, Newtown PA, www.buckscountymarathon.com
3: Purple Pinkie 5K, Center Valley PA, www.rotarydistrict7430.org
10: Hatfield 5 & Dime 5M/10M, Hatfield PA, http://www.actsportsmanagement.com/
10: Run for Jake 5K, Wyncote PA, www.runforjake.com
16: Bridge Valley Race for Autism, , www.bucks5kseries.com
17: Unite Half Marathon, rutgers Univ., new Brunswick NJ, www.unitehalfmarathon.com
17: Stateliner Spring Classic, Phillipsburg NJ, springclassic@hotmail.com
23: Mt. Penn Mudfest 15 Trail, Reading PA, www.pagodapacers.com
1: Lehigh Valley Half Marathon/5K, Allentown PA, www.lehighvalleyhalfmarathon.com
1: Broad Street 10M, Philadelphia PA, wwwbroadstreetrun.com
7: Cornerstone 5K, , www.bucks5kseries.com
8: Susan Komen Race for the Cure 5K, Philadlephia PA, www.komenphiladelphia.org
15: Dark & Dirty Night 6.66 Trail, Reading PA, www.pretzelcitysports.com
18: Sertoma 5K, , www.bucks5kseries.com
22: ODDyssey Half Marathon, Philadelphia, PA, www.oddysseyhalfmarathon.com
22: Panther Pounce 5K, Pocono Pines PA, www.pantherpounce.webs.com
28: Doylestown 5K, Doylestown PA, , www.bucks5kseries.com
Keep me posted on favorite races and your race results.
All the best for the Holidays to everyone and may Santa bring multiple PRs and a happy and healthy 2011.
Group Run
Want to get ready for New Year's Eve festivities? Our next group run will be at Sailor's Point in Peace Vally Park (Lake Galena) at 10:00AM on 12/31. It's the intersection of Myers and New Galena Roads. Ample parking, port-a-johns and a chance to run across a windy causeway. One loop is ~6 miles. Feel free to start earlier if you are ambitious. Multiple excellent post exercise food choices. I'll be doing a 7 mile bike loop if you prefer to bike rather than run.
The Running Log
While we had running logs bad-mouthed of late, here's a contrary opinion from Jim Higgins, "I use the one my son got me for Christmas years ago. Usually, I write one line (date/distance/time) for a run or a race. I don't obsess over it. It's good data to have in case something is not quite right. For example, my IT band was giving me problems so I had it adjusted in October. One quick perusal of my running log showed that my times were starting to get slower as early as February (not by much at first, then more noticeably as the year went on). Next time, I'll get adjusted much sooner."
Club Races
Our club is off for a month but get in shape for the Chilly Cheeks. A bear of a trail race even if you dont see any ursine critters on the route. All four cheeks will get cold.
Jan 16: Chilly Cheeks 7.2M Trail, Reading PA
Feb 6: Super Bowl 10K, Allentown PA
Feb 27: Ugly Mudder 7.25 Trail Reading PA
Mar 5: Rotary Run for Youth 4M/10M, Quakertown PA
May 15: Dark & Dirty 6.66M Tail
Visit the club website, www.buxmontrunning.com and check out the "Athlete Profile" page featuring short self-written bios of club members. That I'm on there proves you don't have to be a good athlete to be on the page! Send yours to either me or Tom Daugherty. Tom actually does the work in his function as webmeister.
Group Runs - Suggest Confirming With the Listed Contact On Any Given Week!
Saturday: Tennis Zone (former Upper Bucks YMCA on California Rd.) 8:00 AM, Jerry Washcalus, Tom Daugherty or Bill Tuszynski bill.tuszynski@gmail.com
Saturday: Perkiomen Trail (Crusher Road) 8:00 AM, Bill Blair
Sunday: Lehigh Valley Parkway, 7:00/7:30/8:00 AM, Loops from 6.65-21+ miles, Gene Lund, Debi Golbreski
Sunday: Perkiomen Trail (Crusher Road) 10:00 AM, Randy Opdyke
Race Results
The few results from last weekend have been slow to post. Look for a catch-up next week
Race Calendar (Club Races in Bold)
26: Kris Kringle 5M, Reading PA, www.pretzelcitysports.com
31: Peeps Fest 5K, Bethlehem PA, www.christmascity.org
1: Cham-Pain 5K, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.brcc.info
1: Hamilton Hangover 5M, Hamilton NJ, www.practicehard.com
2: Shiver by the River 10K/5K, Reading PA, www.pagodapacers.com
9: Predict Your Time 5.3, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.brcc.info
12: PA State Snowshoe Championship 5K/10K, Nexopek State park, Drums PA, www.snowshoeracing.com
16: Chilly Cheeks 7.2M Trail, Reading PA, www.pretzelcitysports.com
16: Polar Bear 8M, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.brcc.info
16: PSCJ Icicle 10M, Wilmington DE, www.races2run.com
23: Honest Abe 4.6, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.brcc.info
30: Terrible Tyler 15K, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.brcc.info
6: Shiver by the River, Reading PA, www.pagodapacers.com
6: Superbowl 10K, Allentown PA, www.lvrr.org
6: Pick Your Way 5.3M, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.bcrr.info
12: PA State Snowhoe 5K/10K Championship, Nescopek state Park, Drums PA, www.snowshoeracing.com
13: Eenie-Meanie-Minie-Moe Half Marathon, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.bcrr.info
19: Febapple Frozen 50 50M/50K/21M/10K, South Mountain Park NJ, www.njtrailseries.com
19: Pickle Winter Series 3M/4.7M, Media PA, www.runtheday.com
19: Frostbite 5M, Ambler PA, www.aarclub.com
20: Staggered Start 4.6M, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA, www.bcrr.info
27: Ugly Mudder 7.25M Trail, Reading PA, www.pretzelcitysports.com
5: Rotary Run for Youth 10M/4M, Quakertown PA, www.prestelcitysports.com
6: Shiver by the River, Reading PA, www.pagodapacers.com
19: Pickle Winter Series 3M/4.7M, Media PA, www.runtheday.com
19: NJ Trail UltraFest 100M/100K/50M/50K/Marathon, Long Valley NJ, www.njtrailseries.com
19: Philadelphia Stair Climb, Philadelphia PA, http://www.lungusa.org/pledge-events/pa/philadelphia-climb/
19-20: Yeungling Shamrock 8K/Half Marathon/Marathon, VA Beach VA, www.shamrockmarathon.com
20: Get Your Rear in Gear 10K/5K/2M/0.25M, Philadelphia PA, www.getyourrearingear.com
20: Doylestown YMCA 5K, Doylestown PA, www.bucks5kseries.com
26: Suntrust National Marathon/Half Marathon/Relay, Washington DC, www.nationalmarathon.com
26: Audubon YMCA 5K, Audubon PA, bsantoro@fvymca.org
27: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon, Wilmington DE, www.races2run.com
2: Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail Run, Media PA, www.tylertrailrun.com
3: New Hope Solebury Spirtit 5K, New Hope PA, www.bucks5kseries.com
3: Bucks County Half Marathon, Newtown PA, www.buckscountymarathon.com
3: Purple Pinkie 5K, Center Valley PA, www.rotarydistrict7430.org
10: Hatfield 5 & Dime 5M/10M, Hatfield PA, http://www.actsportsmanagement.com/
10: Run for Jake 5K, Wyncote PA, www.runforjake.com
16: Bridge Valley Race for Autism, , www.bucks5kseries.com
17: Unite Half Marathon, rutgers Univ., new Brunswick NJ, www.unitehalfmarathon.com
17: Stateliner Spring Classic, Phillipsburg NJ, springclassic@hotmail.com
23: Mt. Penn Mudfest 15 Trail, Reading PA, www.pagodapacers.com
1: Lehigh Valley Half Marathon/5K, Allentown PA, www.lehighvalleyhalfmarathon.com
1: Broad Street 10M, Philadelphia PA, wwwbroadstreetrun.com
7: Cornerstone 5K, , www.bucks5kseries.com
8: Susan Komen Race for the Cure 5K, Philadlephia PA, www.komenphiladelphia.org
15: Dark & Dirty Night 6.66 Trail, Reading PA, www.pretzelcitysports.com
18: Sertoma 5K, , www.bucks5kseries.com
22: ODDyssey Half Marathon, Philadelphia, PA, www.oddysseyhalfmarathon.com
22: Panther Pounce 5K, Pocono Pines PA, www.pantherpounce.webs.com
28: Doylestown 5K, Doylestown PA, , www.bucks5kseries.com
Keep me posted on favorite races and your race results.
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