Thursday, December 1, 2011

Remembering Deena Part 2, Havana Cuba

Remembering Deena
One of Deena's favorite running spots was on the trails of Nolde Forest.  The Run for the Ages she and Ted put on benefited the park.  Because of Deena's love of the location, the family has set up a memorial fund for those who want to remember Deena in this way.  Contributions can be sent to
Friends of Nolde Forest, C/O Deena Andrus, 2910 New Holland Rd., Reading, PA 19607. 

Ron and Helene Horn of Pretzel City Sports pledged to match donations made by runners at last Sunday''s Dirty Bird  and raised $1,000 through their generosity and that of the running community.

Here is an abridged version of Herb Townsend's write-up on the Havana Marathon:  On November 20, 2011, about 2600 athletes from many nations assembled to celebrate the 25th Marabana, a celebration of running with simultaneous races at distances of 5K, 10K, 15K, half marathon, and full marathon. The half marathon drew the most participants, and was won by Richer Perez in 1:04:52, while Milena Perez took womens top spot in 1:28:19. Alexeis Machado took the mens marathon in 2:28;04, and Yadira Gonzales topped the womens field in 3:14:40. All events were chip timed, and complete results for all are given at

The marathon course consists of two loops through the city. The initial 8K proceeds along the Malecon, a well-know esplanade and seawall along Havanas scenic waterfront, and it is flat. From there, it turns up into the city over a series of five rolling hills past many historic and tourist sites Overall, the course was very well manned and marked, and police provided very good traffic control to protect the runners.

Water and sports drinks were provided every 3K in beanbag-like plastic pouches which needed to be torn open with ones teeth. Given doubts about the safety of Havanas tap water, this
seemed like a good solution, at least until the supply of pouches was depleted, thus leaving the slower marathoners without much-needed water.

Another issue was the complete absence of port-a-pots, or equivalent, at the start or anywhere along the route. A few of us were lucky enough to have our guide locate a toilet in a nearby  basketball stadium, but even that could be best described as primitive.

Given the hills, a full sun with temperatures in the upper 70s, and pollution from Havanas antique vehicles, this is not an easy course. Case in point -- although I registered for the full  marathon, the thought of second loop led me to bail out at the halfway mark. Since there is no apparent way to change the registered distance at the race, my advice to future participants is to preregister for one of the shorter events, thus optimizing enjoyment of the other parts of the trip without either pre-marathon anxiety or post-marathon stiffness.

Something that completely caught me off guard is the custom among Cuban runners to expect foreigners to give them their shoes, shirts, and even watches upon finishing the race. Some of the locals were downright aggressive in their quest for my stuff, making me very uncomfortable since I travel very lightly, and was unable to contribute much. This was unfortunate, since there were many shirts and shoes back home that could have been brought had I understood the situation in advance.

For many years, Cuba had been one of my highest priority travel destinations. Learning about a marathon in Havana made it sound even better. Unfortunately, travel to Cuba by US citizens has  been restricted by the US Government. Unless one has relatives in Cuba, it appears there are but three options. One is to charter a fishing boat in Key West. I have heard of people doing this, but besides being illegal, there are other possible dangers in traveling the ocean in a small craft.  Another way is to fly to and from Cuba from someplace like Canada, Mexico, or the Bahamas.  While this also is illegal, few people are caught because passports are not stamped in Cuba. But who wants to break the law and risk some unknown future consequences?

Fortunately, there is now a legal way for average US citizens to travel to Cuba under a program aimed at promoting people-to-people interaction for cultural, religious, and professional exchanges.  Originated during the Clinton years, the program was suspended by the Bush administration. Now restored under Obama, savvy travel agencies are again offering tour packages that include the required licenses from the US government. One agency, Insight Cuba, is the first to put together a tour specifically for runners to travel to the Marabana, and our tour group was probably the first US team to compete in Cuba in the last 50 years.

Our pioneering tour group/team was an interesting and eclectic collection of athletes, extreme adventure seekers, descendants of cuba exiles, writers for running publications, and retired bucket-listers like myself, ranging in ages up to 80. It included people who have traveled widely to place like Antarctica, My Kilimanjaro. Among us was Udon Beidler, an accomplished 64-year-old, who won her age group in the marathon, but was given second place in the male age group owing to an unfortunate name/gender confusion. There was also Carol Montgomery, who at age 76 would have been the second woman overall in the 5K, except for the fact that she didnt see the finish line, and ran an extra 2K before getting back to the finish only to be credited with a last-place age-group finish.

Club Races    
Jingle away at the very fun Jingle Bell 5K this coming Saturday.  A fun event supporting a  great cajse in the Arthritis Foundation..

Dec 3: Jingle Bell 5K, Allentown PA
Jan 15: Chilly Cheeks 7.2M Trail, Reading PA
Feb 26: Ugly Mudder 7M Trail, Reading PA
Mar 3: Rotary Run for Youth 4M/10M, Quakertown PA
Mar 15: Hooligan Hustle 5K, Reading PA

Visit the club website, and check out the "Athlete Profile" page featuring short self-written bios of club members. That I'm on there proves you don't have to be a good athlete to be on the page! Send yours to either me or Tom Daugherty. Tom actually does the work in his function as webmeister.

Race Results
Thanks to everyone, from first to last, who came out for the Habitat 5K.

Dirty Bird 15K Trail (378)
Terry Rooney - 1:28:02, 70th
Tara Snider - 1:28:13, 72nd, AG1
Heidi Pernia - 1:36:52, 148th
John Guth - 2:05:44, 322nd

Habitat 5K (184)
Levi Miller - 16:43, 1st
dean Dimmig - 18:48, 9th, AG1
Rob Gallagher - 19:15, 12th, AG3
Nolan Pernia - 20:20, 19th, AG1
Michael Womelsdorf - 20:50, 20th
Jerry Washcalus - 21:06, 21st, AG1
Heidi Pernia - 21:37, 27th, 3F
John Guth - 22:03, 33rd
Jennifer Gaj - 22;50, 39th, AG1
Jessica Twardzik - 23:33, 46th, AG1
Bob bodkin - 24:12, 52nd
Ruth King - 24:37, 55th, AG1
Josh Meyer - 25:09, 63rd
Kim Meyer - 25:13, 65th, AG2
Ken Odell - 25:39, 69th
Shelby Daugherty - 26:04, 75th, AG1
Keith Little - 26:18, 78th
Kelly Rickert - 26:37, 81st, AG1
Glen Rickert - 27:35, 92nd
Stephanie Kern - 27:50, 96th
Michelle Litke - 28:36, 103rd, AG1
Carolyn Ryan - 29:17, 113th
Beverly Kern - 29:38th, 116th,  AG2
Denise Ericsson - 29:55, 119th
Mary Pacell - 30:19, 120th, AG3
Dawn Lowe - 30:22, 121st
Eric Krisher - 31:14, 133rd
Owen Ryan - 31:33, 139th
Beth Howard  - 34:43, 161st
Gayle king - 35:21, 164th
Richard Krisher - 35:54, 166th
Ann Krisher - 35:56, 167th
Paige Daugherty - 36:44, 169th, AG1
Thom  Lowe -  43:49, 179th
Stef Clark - 56:08, 184th

historic Bethlehem Turkey Trot (970)
Don Evans - 26:38, 285th
Anna Thomas - 26:38, 334th
(Chip times reported, gun times used for placement)

Berwick Run For the Diamonds 9M (1,579)
Jack Heely - 1:07:47, 352nd
Neil Policelli - 1:10:20, 439th

Stone Mill 55M (143)
Swamp Feinauer - 9:45:06, 20th
Wayne Sigler - 10:47:27, 60th
Michael Womelsdorf - 22:51:00, 97th

Race Calendar (Club Races in Bold)
30: Lights in the Parkway 5K, Allentown PA,

3: Jingle Bell 5K, Allentown PA,
3: Run Santa Run 5K, West Reading PA,
4: Philadelphia Sport & Fitness 5K., Boathouse Row - Philadelphia PA,
4: Funky Santa 5K & 3 Person Relay, Pottstown PA,
4: Covered Bridge 5K, Tyler State Park,
10: Jingle Bell 5K, Newtown PA,
10: Rehoboth Beach Marathon/half marathon, Rehoboth Beach DE,
10: Christmas City 5M/5K, Bethlehem PA,
11: Jingle Bell 5K, Malvern PA,
11: Jingle Bell 5.3, Tyler State Park,
11: Shiver By The River 10K/5K. Reading PA,
18: Tyler Challenger 10K, Tyler State Park,
18: Kris Kringle 5M, Reading PA,

1: Cham-Pain 5K, Tyler State Park,
8: Predict Your Time 5.3M, Tyler State Park,
8: Shiver By The River 10K/5K. Reading PA,
14: Fire & Ice Cyclecross, Danville PA,
15: Chilly Cheeks 7.2M Trail, Reading PA,
15: Polar Bear 8M, Tyler State Park,
22: Honest Abe 4.6M, Tyler State Park,
29: Terrible Tyler 15K, Tyler State Park,

5: Pick Your Way 5K, Tyler State Park,
5: Super Bowl 10K, Allentown PA,
12: Eenie-Meanie-Minie-Moe Half Marathon, Tyler State Park,
12: Shiver By The River 10K/5K. Reading PA,
19: Staggered Start 4.6M, Tyler State Park,
26: Ugly Mudder 7M Trail, Reading PA,

3: Rotary Run for Youth 10M/4M, Quakertown PA,
11: Shiver By The River 10K/5K. Reading PA,
15: Hooligan Hustle 5K, Reading PA,
18: St. Patty's Scramble 6K/15K Trail, Leesport PA,
24: NJ Ultrafest 100M/100K/50M/50K/Marathon, Long Valley NJ, 
25: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon, Wilmington DE,
25: CB YMCA Family 5K, Doyelstown PA,
31: Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail,  Media PA,
31: Garden Spot Marathon/Half Marathon, New Holland PA,
31: Kutztown Fool's Run 5K/10M, Kutztown PA,

7: Mt. Penn Mudfest 15K Trail, Reading PA,
14: Trot For trykes 10K/5K, Coplay PA,
15: Bucks County Half Marathon, Newtown PA,
22: Stateliner Classic 5K, Phillipsburg NJ.
22: Rutgers Unite Half Marathon, Piscataway NJ
22: Purple Pinkie 5K, Center Valley PA,
22: New Hope-Solebury 5K, New Hope PA,
29: Beat Beethoven 10K/5K, Reading PA,
29: Bridge Valley 5K, Furlong PA,
29: Lehigh Valley Half Marathon/5K, Allentown PA,

6: Sertoma 5K, Doylestown PA,
12: Rerun broad Street 5M, Lansdale PA,
26: Doylestown 5K, Doylestown PA,

9: Chlafont Challenge 5K, Chalfont PA,

Keep me posted on favorite races and your race results.

1 comment:

  1. Hello all!! I want to know when will be the next Havana Marathon held? I am very excited to visit there and thinking to participate in this Marathon. Please give all details about Havana Marathon.
